Just over 12 hours ago, Twitter account @lunaaureum threw the whole lot of Halsey’s fans into confusion, after tweeting different clues leading to website www.hopelessfountainkingdom.com.
Well, first off, who even is Luna Aureum? Apparently, that would be a key-character created by Halsey for her second upcoming album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, due to be released next June 2nd. Luna is part of the House of Aureum, the family which opposes House of Angelus (both houses are fictional).

Now let’s go back to that famous website Luna has tweeted about… it’s on that very website that you’ll be able to listen to the first part of one of the songs (according to the fandom’s theories, the song is called ‘100 letters’) which you’ll find on the tracklist of the New Jersey singer’s new album, along with singles ‘Now or Never’ and ‘Eyes Closed’.
If you want to listen to the song, just click on the ‘l’ in ‘hopeless’, then scroll down and click on the l in ‘letter’.
Luna Aureum’s last tweet also got us thinking that when the song reaches 110,000 streams, (the number is found on the bottom of the page) something might actually happen.
Could the song perhaps be released as a single?
In the meantime, here’s part of the lyrics to the song:
“[…] he said one day I’d realise why I don’t have any friends
I find myself alone at night, unless I’m having sex
but he can make me golden if I just show some respect
but I don’t let him touch me anymore…
I said I’m not something to butter up and taste when you get bored
cause I have spent too many nights on dirty bathroom floors§to find some peace and quiet […]
he said please don’t go away…
I said it’s too late […]”